Статті в періодичних виданнях, що індексуються міжнародними наукометричними базами даних Scopus та Web of Science Core Collection


  1. Liubokhynets L. (2024) Formation of a personnel management system as a factor of increasing competitiveness and the enterprise security level in the context of digital transformation and new legal challenges / M. Kopytko, L. Liubokhynets, V. Panchenko, T. Moysa, A. Malanchuk // Social & Legal Studios 2024 Volume 7, No. 1 рр.210-220 (Scopus)
  2. Poplavska O. (2024). Analytic Hierarchy Process of Circular Economy Factors Influencing the Activities of Open Socio-Economic Systems: Problems and Prospects for Their Solution. (2024) International Journal of Religion, 5(10), 953-966. https://ijor.co.uk/ijor/article/view/5202/2715 (Scopus)
  3. Poplavska O. (2024) Methodical approach to the choice of a business management strategy within the framework of a change in commercial activities. / Farouq Ahmad Faleh ALAZZAM, Bassam Mustafa Abdel-Rahman TUBISHAT, Oksana STOROZHUK, Olga POPLAVSKA, Zinaida ZHYVKO // (2024). Business: Theory and Practice, 25(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.3846/btp.2024.19676  (Scopus)
  4. Ruda Tetyana, Alona Tanasiichuk, Liliia Mykhailyshyn, Larysa Fedoryshynа, Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Nataliya Polyova, Oksana Yurchenko. Strategies for Sustainable Development of Companies in International Markets in the context of Digitalization. European Journal of Sustainable Development (2024), 13, 2, 12 – 30 ISSN: 2239 – 5938. Doi: 10.14207/ejsd.2024.v 13, n. 2, р. 12-30


  1. Lisovskyi I. (2023). Formation of a financial mechanism of public-private partnership in the field of tourism under war conditions. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 6(53), 348-362. URL: https://doi.org/10.55643/fcaptp.6.53.2023.4225
  2. Liubokhynets, L., Vasyuchenko, P., Stelmashenko, O., Grytsenko, S., Filipova, N. (2023). Strategic Development of Enterprises in the Conditions of Digitalization According to the Principles of Industry 4.0. Journal of the University of Zulia , 14(41), рр. 625-642. URL: file:///D:/Downloads/40855-Texto%20del%20art%C3%ADculo-80578-1-10-20230906.pdf
  3. Liubokhynets L., Kopytko M., Kalinin A., Sai L., Bala O. (2023). Personnel management in the system of ensuring safety and security of the engineering enterprise in the conditions of industry 4.0. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 547-554. URL: https://dspace.lvduvs.edu.ua/bitstream/1234567890/6079/1/%d0%9a%d0%be%d0%bf%d0%b8%d1%82%d0%ba%d0%be%20ijsse_13.03_17%20%d1%81%d0%ba%d0%be%d0%bf.pdf
  4. Liubokhynets, L., Kirichenko, O., Bosak, A. (2023). Evaluating the impact of transport and logistics potential on international trade. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 293-301. URL: https://doi.org/10.18280/ijtdi.070403
  5. Liudmyla Sachynska. Tax Burden in the System of Investment Appeal Assessment of an Enterprise in the Context of Globalization and Transformation of National Economy. Inna Dotsenko; Lesia Matviychuk; Viktoriia Klochkovska; Oleksandr Klochkovskyi; Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 621) pages (536–546). URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26956-1_51
  6. Alla Meish, Dmytro Kovalenko, Svitlana Petrychuk, Viktor Kushniruk, Iryna Banyeva, Financial Aspects of Maintaining Business Activities in the Face of Unexpected Changes / Economic Affairs, Vol. 68, No. 01s, pp. 17-26, February 2023 URL : https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/bitstream/123456789/14309/1/Kushniruk-2023-1.pdf
  7. Education vs. Entrepreneurship – between theory and practice: the case of smes in poland / Janowski, A., Gonchar, O., Yakovyshyn, R. / E a M: Ekonomie a Managementthis link is disabled, 2023, 26(1), pp. 111–125. URL: https://doi.org/10.15240/tul/001/2023-1-007
  8. Building an Intelligent System for Managing Emigration Labor Resources in Conditions of Uncertainty of Military Actions Based on Markov Chains / Sharko, O., Sharko, M., Liubchuk, O., Gonchar, O., , Advokatova, N., Zaitseva, O. // CEUR Workshop Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2023, 3403 с. (375–386). URL:https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218491537
  9. Information Technology to Assess the Enterprises’ Readiness for Innovative Transformations Using Markov Chains / Sharko, M., Liubchuk, O., Krapivina, G., Gonchar, O., Vorobyova, K., Vasylenko, N. / Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologiesthis link is disabled, 2023, 149, pp. 197–213. URL: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218491537
  10. Yadukha, S., (2023). Determining strategic priorities for forming state policy to provide financial and economic security under martial law. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 6(53), 287–299. URL : file:///D:/Downloads/4237_287-299.pdf
  11. Yadukha, S., (2023). Determining strategic priorities for forming state policy to provide financial and economic security under martial law. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 6(53), 287–299. URL : file:///D:/Downloads/4237_287-299.pdf
  12. Olha Harvat, Svitlana Obikhod, Darya Legeza, Vitalii Nestor, Arman Akhtoian Digitization of Business Processes and the Impact on the Interaction of Business Entities Economic Affairs, Vol. 68, No. 01s, pp. 115-121, February 2023. URL: https://ndpublisher.in/admin/issues/EAv68n1sn.pdf


  1. Harvat O., Tiurina N., Khadzhynov I., Ivashchenko O. Regulatory policy of the foreign economic activity of the state. Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada en octubre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz, Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela. Vol 40 № 74. Рр. 515-529. URL:  https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cuestiones/issue/view/3761/315
  2. Harvat O., Tiurina N., Khadzhynov I., Ivashchenko O. Regulatory policy of the foreign economic activity of the state. Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada en octubre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz, Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela. Vol 40 № 74. Рр. 515-529. URL:  https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cuestiones/issue/view/3761/315
  3. Gonchar, O. Information and Digital Technologies in the Evaluation and Development of International Cluster Systems Buiak, L. , Yemchuk, L. , Gonchar, O., Dzhulii, L. , Bilorusets, L. 2022 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies, ACIT 2022, 2022, pp. 320–325. URL : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218491537
  4. Economic and Mathematical Modelling of Service Companies Competititon and Integration Gonchar, O. , Kholodenko, A. , Bashchak, M. 2022 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies, ACIT 2022, 2022, pp. 235–239. URL : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218491537
  5. Gonchar, O. Information Support of Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Managing Complex Organizational and Technical Objects Based on Markov Chains Sharko, M. , Petrushenko, N. , Gonchar, O. , Vorobyova, K. , Zakryzhevska, I. CEUR Workshop Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2022, 3171, pp. 986–998. URL : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218491537
  6. Intellectual Information Technologies of the Resources Management in Conditions of Unstable External Environment Sharko, M. , Gonchar, O. , Tkach, M. , Mosin, M. , Petrushenko, N. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologiesthis link is disabled, 2022, 77, pp. 519–533. URL : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218491537
  7. Tanasiichuk, A. ., Kovalchuk, S. ., Nianko, V. ., Boiko, R. ., Drazhnitsya, S. ., & Holovchuk, Y. (2022). Marketing Activities of Extractive Industry Enterprises in Ukraine in Overcoming the Consequences of the Corona Crisis. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(1), 147. URL : https://doi.org/10.14207/ejsd.2022.v11n1p147
  8. Liubokhynets L. The use of the mechanism of publicprivate partnership in the investment processes management in the context of digitalization / Olena Dyagileva Larysa Liubokhynets Tetiana Zabashtanska Victoriia Shuklina Ihor Bezuhlyi // Cuestiones Polіticas – 2022 – Vol.40 – №72 – Р.368-384 URL : https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cuestiones/article/view/37767/41538
  9. Liubokhynets L. Methodical principles of the competitiveness assessment of industrial enterprises in the conditions of the circular economy formation / Tetiana Tkachenko, Anna Pohrebniak, Hanna Radchenko, Larysa Liubokhynets, Maryna Budnik // Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2022. Vol. 44. No. 1: Р.95-102 URL : https://ejournals.vdu.lt/index.php/mtsrbid/article/view/3038/2010
  10. Liubokhynets L. Innovative Methods of Assessing the Efficiency of Internet Communications of Enterprises / Alona Tanasiichuk, Svitlana Kovalchuk, Kateryna Sokoliuk, Serhii Sokoliuk, Larysa Liubokhynets, Svitlana Sirenko // European Journal of Sustainable Development (2022), Vol. 11 No. 2, Р.15-31 URL : https://ecsdev.org/ojs/index.php/ejsd/article/view/1304/1285
  11. Liubokhynets L. Innovative Approach for Assessing Management System Flexibility for Determining Mechanism Functioning Mode for Ensuring Economic Security of Organizations / Yevhenii Rudnichenko, Larysa Liubokhynets, Nataliia Havlovska, Tatiana Nazarchuk, Lyudmyla Krymchak, Valeriy Harbusiuk // TEM Journal. Volume 11, Number 4, pages 1569-1576 URL : https://www.temjournal.com/content/114/TEMJournalNovember2022_1569_1576.pdf
  12. BushovskaL., Makedon, H., & Dvornyk, I. (2022). OrganizationalEconomic Mechanism of the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex in Modern Conditions Ivanko, A., Vasylenko, N, Makedon, H., Dvornyk, I IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 22(2), 107-114. URL :  http://paper.ijcsns.org/07_book/202202/20220214.pdf
  13. Tetyana Ryda, Volodymyr Muliar, Volodymyr Dolot , Oleg Didych , Yurii Bilyi  Iurii Chornysh (2022). Public-Private Partnership in the System of Economic Development of the Country. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. Vol.22. No.9. P.229-235. URL :  https://doi.org/10.22937/IJCSNS.2022.22.9.13
  14. Tanasiienko Nataliia, Dykha Mariia, Lukianova Valentyna, Polozova Valentina, Zavhorodnia Tatiana (2022). Strategic directions of the national policy in the context of the asymmetry of the regional development. Cuestiones Policas. Vol. 40. N 74, 497-514. URL : https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.4074.27
  15. Ferdman Hennadii, Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Larysa Kurnosenko, Ihor Lisovskyi, Oleg Koval (2022) IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.22 No.8, August 2022, The Use of Digital Technologies for the Economic Development of the Region in the System Of Digitalization of Public Administration, 81 URL : http://surl.li/svrgc


  1. Liubokhynets L. Qualitative Justification of Strategic Management Decisions in Choosing Agile Management Methodologies / Rudnichenko Y., Liubokhynets L., Havlovska N., Illiashenko O., Avanesova N. // International Journal for Quality Research. – 2021. – Vol. 15(1). – p. 209-224. DOI: 10.24874/IJQR15.01-12
  2. Liubokhynets L. Implementation of strategic imperatives for strengthening the economic security of textile enterprises through introduction of agile management syste/ Larysa Liubokhynets, Nataliia Havlovska, Yevhenii Rudnichenko// Fibres and Textiles (2) 2021 Vіkna a textil (2) 2021 June 2021. Р.35-45 URL : http://vat.ft.tul.cz/2021/2/VaT_2021_2_5.pdf
  3. Liubokhynets L. Method of Enterprise Economic Security Evaluation / Olha Shumilo, Vitalina Babenko, Larysa Liubokhynets, Iryna Volovelska, Olena Arefieva// Studies of Applied Economics – Vol. 39 No. 7 (2021): Special Issue: Impact of Current Trends in Social Commerce, Economics, and Business Analytics URL : file:///D:/Downloads/4998-Source%20Texts-18940-1-10-20210719.pdf
  4. Poplavska O. International Economic Relations: Integration Associations and Ukraine in the Global System of International Trade /Vitalina Babenko, Olga Poplavska, Mykola Tkach, Mykhailo Sidorov, Viktoria Ovchynnikova, Yelizaveta Fomina //Studies of Applied Economics – Vol. 39 No. 7 (2021): Special Issue: Impact of Current Trends in Social Commerce, Economics, and Business Analytics URL : file:///D:/Downloads/5019-Source%20Texts-18950-1-10-20210719.pdf


  1. Bitiy A. Marketing provision of realization of entrepreneurship potential as the basis of enterprise’s competitiveness / O. Gonchar, I. Polishchuk, V. Khachatrian, O.Ostapchuk, A.Bitiy, I.Gvozdecka // Advanced computer information technologies (ACIT`2020) : 10th International Conference. – Deggendorf, Germany, 16–18 September 2020. – IEEE, 2020. – Р. 647-650. – doi: DOI: 10.1109 / ACIT49673.2020.9208939 URL : https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9208939
  2. Bitiy A. Marketing provision of realization of entrepreneurship potential as the basis of enterprise’s competitiveness / O. Gonchar, I. Polishchuk, V. Khachatrian, O.Ostapchuk, A.Bitiy, I.Gvozdecka // Advanced computer information technologies (ACIT`2020) : 10th International Conference. – Deggendorf, Germany, 16–18 September 2020. – IEEE, 2020. – Р. 647-650. – doi: DOI: 10.1109 / ACIT49673.2020.9208939 URL : https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9208939
  3. Liubokhynets L. Methodological Foundations Of Flexible Management And Assessing The Flexibility Of An Enterprise Economic Security System / L. Liubokhynets, Ye. Rudnichenko, I. Dzhereliuk, O. Illiashenko, V. Kryvdyk, N. Havlovska// International journal of scientific & technoalogy research. Volume 9, Issue 03, march 2020 – Р. 4616-4621. URL : http://library.khmnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/scopusresults2020.pdf
  4. Liubokhynets L. Methodological Foundations Of Flexible Management And Assessing The Flexibility Of An Enterprise Economic Security System / L. Liubokhynets, Ye. Rudnichenko, I. Dzhereliuk, O. Illiashenko, V. Kryvdyk, N. Havlovska// International journal of scientific & technoalogy research. Volume 9, Issue 03, march 2020 – Р. 4616-4621. URL : http://library.khmnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/scopusresults2020.pdf