Участь викладачів у конференціях міжнародної, матеріали якої індексуються у наукометричній базі Scopus та (або) Web of Science Core Collection


Gonchar O.  ICST-2023: Information Control Systems & Technologies, September 21-23, 2023, Odesa, Ukraine.   

Gonchar O., Liubokhynets L., Poplavska O., Tanasiienko N. 2023 IEEE 4th KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), October 02-06, 2023 Kharkiv, Ukraine


Liubokhynets L. International scientific «Business, Accounting, Management, Banking, Economic Security and Legal Regulation Research» (BAMBEL2021) August 26-27, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine W&S

Участь викладачів у міжнародних конференціях за кордоном


Liubokhynets L. XXXІІ International scientific and practical conference «Global Trends and Direction of Scientific Research Development» (July 31-August 2, 2024) Hamburg, Germany. International Scientific Unity, 2024. 285 p. Р.72-77

Bushovska L. XXXІІ International scientific and practical conference «Global Trends and Direction of Scientific Research Development» (July 31-August 2, 2024) Hamburg, Germany. International Scientific Unity, 2024. 285 p. Р.72-77

Liubokhynets L., Drazhnitsya S., Lisovsky І. The 11th International scientific and practical conference “Innovative development of science, technology and education” (August 1-3, 2024) Perfect Publishing, Vancouver, Canada. 2024.

Liubokhynets L Х «ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN SCIENCE» 11 -15 June (Bydgoszcz – Khmelnytskyi), 2024.

Harvat О. XXXІV International scientific and practical conference «World Trends in the Development of Scientific Progress» (August 14-16, 2024) Varna, Bulgaria.


Harvat O.  VI International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, September 8, 2023. Chicago, USA: European Scientific Platform.

Harvat O. V International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, December 22, 2023. Coventry, United Kingdom: International Center of Scientific Research.

Drazhnitsya S. «Innovative educational technologies: European experience and its application in training in economics and management : Proceedings of scientific and pedagogical internship» (February 13 – March 26, 2023, Riga, Latvia).

Ruda. T. «Innovative educational technologies: European experience and its application in training in economics and management : Proceedings of scientific and pedagogical internship» (February 13 – March 26, 2023, Riga, Latvia).

Meish A. Участь у IV International Scientific and Theoretical Conference Scientific forum: theory and practice of research 06.10.2023 Valencia, Kingdom of Spain Valencia,

Meish A. V INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE «Modern strategies of global scientific solutions» December 27-29, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden

Moroz S. XI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific progress: innovations achievements and prospects», 23-25 Juiy 2023, Munich, Germany.


Bushovska L. XV Міжнародній науково-практичній конференції «International scientific innovations in human life» 1 – 3.09.2022, Манчестер, Великобританія.

Tanasiienko N. The 6th International scientific and practical conference «Innovations and prospects of world science», Канада, м.Ванкувер, 2-4 лютого 2022 року


Bushovska L. International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern Science: Innovations and Prospects», December 5-7, 2021. Stockholm. Sweden

Liubokhynets L.V International scientific and practical conference “Trends in science and practice of today”, October 19-22, 2021, Ankara, Turkey.

Meish A. I International Scientific and Theoretical Conference «Sience of xxi century: development, main theories and achievements», 24 December 2021., Helsinki, Republic of Finland.

Moroz S. I International Scientific and Theoretical Conference «Sience of xxi century: development, main theories and achievements», 24 December 2021., Helsinki, Republic of Finland.

Tanasiienko N. V International scientific and practical conference “Trends in science and practice of today”, October 19-22, 2021, Ankara, Turkey.